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Welcome All...Who are you?

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Hey all Im the Bzzzzzzzzz
Proud Argentine by birth, family  from the kingdom of Spain. 57 years old, 7 children, 2 grandchildren. Biologist in Plant Genetics. I have lived in many countries and have traveled to many others as well. Football fan (the one with the round ball) and addicted to playing online with friends. I've played novalogic games since df2, I've made many friends in decades of gaming and I'm grateful to have met all of you last year. As you can see, my English is not bad, it's just creative lol. I send you all good vibes and a big hug.



Welcome bee hope you are well

KingBee has reacted to this post.

Hello Mr Bzzzz

Nice to see you here.

See you soon in game.

btw found your baby



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Hi Guys.

My name is Andy aka Bulldog1. I have been running the BCU squad for a number of years now and we have progressed from just a small squad playing DFX2 to just over sixty members from 14 different countries.

Unfortunately due to being unable to play DFX2 anymore, we do not see as many members in game.

Thanks to the Aussie bum Taz we run three BHD servers and two AW2 servers. The squad also moved on to playing TFE in which we have two servers.

I do not get as much time as i would like to play BHD but certainly enjoy it when in your server..



MRS60-TTB- and Heretic have reacted to this post.

Hello Bulldog,

Nice to cya here too....

BHD .... you can't stop




Another lagging Aussie who speaks in slang and says weird things. I'm 35 - I knew Tazman back in the day, played on OGN and remember some of you.

Usually a gunner with an M60 - although I've been embracing the med life of late. The run speed combined with the lag makes me slippery and I like that. You'll see me Zig zaggin around the joint!

Usually play BHD Fri/Sat/Sun - until I can't see straight and collapse into bed.

When I'm not on my PC gaming or working, you'll find me miles off shore or in the surf - on a 12'6 Stand up Paddleboard - dodging sharks and trying to tame a pod of attack dolphins.

Thanks for having me - see you in the server!


Lit here.  Just a lil background.  I'm 43, from Philadelphia, PA.  Been playing BHD since 2002.  Love playing Pickleball as I'm an Instructor and I'm also an Axe Throwing Instructor.   My aim with an Axe is better than with my gun at BHD 😉 Just wanted to say hello to all.

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